Baseball Manitoba provides update on potential return to play


May 23, 2020

Official Baseball Manitoba Release

COVID-19 Baseball Manitoba Update:

The health and safety of people in sport, including players, coaches, umpires, spectators, volunteers, and the public, continues to be of the utmost importance to Baseball Manitoba.

We would like to clarify the Province of Manitoba's most recent announcement, the Restoring Safe Services Phase 2 DRAFT plan - Phase 2 does include the Sport of Baseball, which is new information. But, Phase 2 has not yet started and there is currently no defined start date.

Baseball Manitoba has submitted a Return to Play document to Sport Manitoba and the Province and is awaiting a response. This plan includes a phased approach, which includes building toward competition. Details on that plan will be released to associations, so they may start planning for a baseball season.

Baseball Manitoba sanctioned activities continue to be suspended, until at least June 5, 2020. We are working with our registration system and insurance Providers to ensure smooth and timely transitions.

We will continue to update our membership and the public as new information is received.

Stay Safe.

Jason Miller – Executive Director

Tony Siemens - President

SandlotsCBN Staff