Baseball Nova Scotia: Players back on field, but not cleared for competition


June 25, 2020

Official Baseball Nova Scotia Statement

Baseball Nova Scotia is excited to see our athletes, coaches, and volunteers back out on the field! After everything the province as been through in 2020, it’s refreshing to see associations getting the kids in their community back to a sense of normalcy.

Public Health and the NS Government released an update this past Thursday (June 18th) regarding permissible gathering sizes, both socially distanced and non-socially distanced. While we were excited to see the gathering limits increase, we were informed we would not be approved for competition yet. We received the following response to our proposed guidelines:

“Because the number of participants exceed 10 and participants cannot physically distance at all times within your proposed return to competition plan, the plan does not demonstrate that the current guidelines would be met.”

Even with the strict guidelines and rule alterations proposed, we needed to give a guarantee there would be no interactions on the field during competition. This guideline would be impossible to meet, even with stricter measures. We have now been informed the new ‘non-socially distanced’ number will have to increase for competition to be permitted.

As we continue to see easing of restrictions, BNS will continue to work towards a return to competition. At this time, we cannot commit to operating the Bluenose League. Given the rate at which restrictions are being lifted, BNS will extend our deadline for a final decision on the Bluenose League from June 26th to July 3rd. This is in hopes the extra seven days will see restrictions eased to the point competition is permitted.

In the meantime, BNS is asking teams to register as they would in a normal year for Bluenose League. This will allow us to mobilize quickly to create schedules should restrictions be lifted by July 3rd. The registration deadline is July 5th. If Bluenose League does get cancelled, that contact information for teams will be made available for everyone in the division. This will hopefully assist in arranging games when it is deemed permissible to do so. You can begin registering your teams by clicking here.

Although we’re disappointed with the latest developments, we’re remaining optimistic restrictions will continue to be lifted in the coming weeks. Our member associations will be informed of developments as soon as they become available.

SandlotsCBN Staff