Oshawa most productive EOBA centre, led by John Ryan, Andy Stewart

John Ryan (Oshawa, Ont.) played 1,335 minor-league games, more than any other EOBA player in the minors.

November 5, 2021

By George Farelli

Canadian Baseball Network

The Eastern Ontario Baseball Association starts at the city of Pickering in the west and runs as far east as Canada’s first capital Kingston, where Lake Ontario meets the St. Lawrence River.

The real capital of the EOBA?

At least when it comes to those who went on to play in the minors. Well, Whitby had nine players advance to the next level ... the most of any EOBA city.

Next most productive centres were Pickering, Oshawa and Kingston -- including Chaucer Elliot, the grandfather of Canadian Baseball Network founder Bob Elliott -- with eight apiece. While the Whitby Nine appeared in 1,449 minor-league games, the winner is Oshawa.

John Ryan, a former Oshawa Legionaires, led all EOBA minor-league pros with 1,335 games played. Both Andy Stewart (Oshawa, Ont.) and Scott Mann (Oshawa, Ont.) ranked among the top 10 in games.

The top 10 ...

1. INF John Ryan (Oshawa, Ont.) Michigan State 1960-71 INF - 1,335 games.

(Played for class-D Decatur, class-A Knoxville, class-C Duluth-Superior, triple-A Syracuse, double-A Knoxville in the Detroit Tigers system; triple-A Rochester, Baltimore Orioles; triple-A Toronto, double-A Pittsfield, triple-A Louisville, Boston Red Sox; triple-A Tucson, Chicago White Sox; double-A Jacksonville, Milwaukee Brewers; double-A Jacksonville, Cleveland Indians.)

2. C-1B-Manager Andy Stewart (Oshawa, Ont.) Brockville Bunnies/Oshawa Legionaires 1990-2004 - 1050 games

(Rookie-class Gulf Coast Royals, class-A Baseball City, class-A Wilmington, double-A Memphis, double-A Omaha, double-A Wichita, triple-A Omaha with the Kansas City Royals; double-A Reading, Philadelphia Phillies, IND-Winnipeg, Northern League, Williamsport, Pittsburgh Pirates.)

Nigel Wilson (Ajax, Ont.)

3. OF Nigel Wilson (Ajax, Ont.) 1988-96 - 841 games

(Class-A St. Catharines, class-A Myrtle Beach, class-A Dunedin, double-A Knoxville, with the Toronto Blue Jays; triple-A Edmonton, Florida Marlins; triple-A Indianapolis, Cincinnati Reds; triple-A Buffalo, Cleveland Indians; Nippon Ham and Kintetsu in Japan).

4. 3B Eric Wood (Pickering, Ont.) Ontario Blue Jays 2012-19 - 807 games

(Rookie-class Gulf Coast Pirates, class-A State College, class-A West Virginia, class-A Bradenton, double-A Altoona, triple-A Indianapolis with the Pittsburgh Pirates; Chinatrust, Chinese League, IND-Winnipeg, American Association.)

5. OF Scott Mann (Oshawa, Ont.) Oshawa Legionaires 1985-88 - 409 games

(Class-A West Palm Beach, double-A Jacksonville, class-A Rockford with the Montreal Expos; class-A St. Petersburg with the St. Louis Cardinals.)

6. INF Walker Gourley (Peterborough, Ont.) Eastern Wayne HS, Goldsboro, NC 2009-14 - 409 games

(Rookie-class Gulf Coast Pirates, class-A Bradenton, class-A State College, class-A West Virginia, class-A Bradenton with the Pittsburgh Pirates).

7. RHP Earl Cook (Stouffville, Ont.) 1932-46 - 405 games

(Double-A Toronto, triple-A Buffalo A-1 Beaumont with the Detroit Tigers; double-A Toronto, Cincinnati Reds; double-A Syracuse, Cincinnati Reds; double-A Buffalo, Cleveland; double-A Columbus St. Louis Cardinals; triple-A Toronto, Pittsburgh Pirates; triple-A Toronto, Philadelphia Phillies; A-1 Knoxville and class B Jackson.)

Former Ontario Blue Jays INF Stephen Wickens (Whitby, Ont.)

8. INF Stephen Wickens (Whitby, Ont.) Ontario Blue Jays 2011-16 - 392 games

(Rookie-class Gulf Coast Twins, class-A Beloit, class-A Elizabethton, class-A Fort Myers, double-A New Britain, double-A Chattanooga and triple-A Rochester with the Minnesota Twins.)

9. INF Lee Delfino (Pickering, Ont.) Team Ontario/Oshawa Legionaires 2001-05 - 391 games

(Class-A Auburn, Class-A Charleston, class-A Dunedin, IND-Quebec, Northeast and IND-Quebec Can-Am.)

10. INF Pat Lyons (Belleville, Ont.) 1889-95 305 games

(Springfield, Hamilton, Dayton, Meadville, Quincy, Johnstown and Staunton Hayseeds/Newport News-Hampton.)


The players that I consider to have a dual Canadian status, and for the purposes of clarification here are explanations for the five players involved.

a) Vance Cozier - Born in Grenada, his family immigrated to Canada when he was a young man and he grew up in Ajax, Ont.

b) Jeff Juden - Born 1971 in Salem, Mass. his father is Canadian born and raised in Kingston, Ont.

c) Gary Newitt - Born 1944 in Scotland, his family immigrated to Canada when he was a young boy, and he grew up in Little Britain, Ont.

d) Walker Gourley - Born in Goldsboro, NC his father is Canadian born and raised in Peterborough, Ont. Although his father John never played pro he was good enough to play with Team Canada at the 1979 Pan Am Games held in Puerto Rico, and he excelled in the Ontario Intercounty League with London Majors for several seasons.

e) Frank Whitehouse - Born 1906 in England, his family immigrated to Canada when he was a young boy and he grew up Peterborough, Ont.

This list includes all in the dugout personnel including players, coaches, trainers, strength & conditioning staff, and of course, managers.

Bold indicates these individuals played in the Major Leagues.

Vance Cozier (Ajax, Ont.)

Eastern Ontario Baseball Association Professional Players

Birthplace/Hometown Years Active Minor League Highest

Player In Minors Positions Games Level

COZIER, Vance Ajax, Ont. 1999-2003 RHP 135 AA

DIEDRICK, Phil Ajax, Ont. 2015 OF 30 Rkie

RATCLIFFE, Sean Ajax, Ont. 2013-16 RHP 43 A

WILSON, Nigel Ajax, Ont. 1988-96 OF 841 AAA

KELLY, Scott Belleville, Ont. 2009-2010 RHP 62 IND

LYONS, Pat Belleville, Ont. 1889-95 INF 305 B

McMILLAN, Doug Belleville, Ont. 1965-67 RHP 61 A

RUTHERFORD, John Belleville, Ont. 1947-55 RHP 177 AAA

WRIGHT, Richard Belleville, Ont. 2001 OF 58 IND

DADSON, Brendon Bowmanville, Ont 2021 SS 9 IND

DOWSE, Jason Cannington, Ont. 2011-17 Strength/Conditiong 980 AAA

JAMIESON, Bill Cobourg, Ont. 1951-54 LHP 122 B

PURDY, Nick Cobourg, Ont. 2010-15 RHP 154 A

ROACH, Gord Goodwood, Ont. 1949-53 RHP 80 B

BRASH, Matt Kingston, Ont. 2019-21 RHP 25 AA

CAFFERY, Jack Kingston, Ont. 1955-63 LHP 104 AAA

ELLIOTT, Edwin (Chaucer) Kingston, Ont. 1899-1911 C-MGR 179 B

JARRELL, Arnie Kingston, Ont. 1945-48 LHP 74 AA

JUDEN, Jeff Kingston, Ont. 1989-2002 RHP 184 AAA

LAY, Joseph Kingston, Ont. 1946-48 OF 272 C

Charlie Pester (Kingston, Ont.)

McQUAIDE, Vince Kingston, Ont. 1946-47 OF 79 C

PESTER, Charlie Kingston, Ont. 1955-56 RHP 23 C

NEWITT, Gary Little Britain, Ont. 1964 RHP 3 A

McCABE, Ralph Napanee, Ont. 1941-53 RHP 242 AA

DOIRON, Serge Oshawa, Ont. 1991 C 29 A

GRILLS, Evan Oshawa, Ont. 2010-19 LHP 176 AAA

KEMLO, Chris Oshawa, Ont. 2002-07 RHP 111 A

KURHAN, Mick Oshawa, Ont. 2005-06 INF 87 IND

MANN, Scott Oshawa, Ont. 1985-88 OF 409 AA

RYAN, John Oshawa, Ont. 1960-71 INF 1335 AAA

STEWART, Andy Oshawa, Ont. 1990-2004 C-1B-MGR 1050 AAA

STONE, Ted Oshawa, Ont. 1954-57 RHP 107 A

GOURLEY, Walker Peterborough, Ont. 2009-14 INF 408 A

MITCHELL, Jason Peterborough, Ont. 2009-10 Strength & Conditioning 108 A

REEVES, Michael Peterborough, Ont. 2013-17 C 280 AA

Denzel Clarke

SEABROOKE, Travis Peterborough, Ont. 2013-21 LHP 144 A

WHITEHOUSE, Frank Peterborough, Ont. 1926-30 LHP 34 AA

CLARKE, Denzel Pickering, Ont. 2021 OF 4 Rkie

DELFINO, Lee Pickering, Ont. 2001-05 INF 391 A

FOSTER, Michael Pickering, Ont. 2015-16 OF-DH 44 A

GODFREY, Bob Pickering, Ont. 1968 RHP 8 A

LEACH, Landon Pickering, Ont. 2017-18 2021 RHP 24 A

ROGA, Mike Pickering, Ont. 2002-03 RHP 26 A

SMITH, Brian Pickering, Ont. 2011-13 LHP 24 Rkie

WOOD, Eric Pickering, Ont. 2012-19 3B 807 AAA

RHP Jason Green (Port Hope, Ont.)

ADDY, Bob. Port Hope, Ont. 1871-75 OF-2B 185 N/A

GREEN, Jason Port Hope, Ont. 1994-2000 RHP 188 AAA

PURVIS, James Port Hope, Ont. 1885-98 1B-C 231 A

QUANTRILL, Cal Port Hope, Ont. 2016-19 RHP 69 AAA

QUANTRILL, Paul Port Hope, Ont. 1989-99 RHP 115 AAA

BLACK, Tyler Stouffville, Ont 2021 2B 26 A

COOK, Earl Stouffville, Ont. 1932-46 RHP 404 AAA

BEGG, Chris Uxbridge, Ont. 2001-08 RHP 151 AAA

LASHLEY, Noah Uxbridge, Ont. 2019 RHP 5 IND

ROBINSON, Chris Uxbridge, Ont. 2015-16 C-OF 74 IND

BALAN, Ryan Whitby, Ont. 2002 LHP 17 A

CROTIN, Ryan Whitby, Ont. 2008-09 Strength Conditioning 150 A

HAWKINS, Joey Whitby, Ont. 2015-16, 19-21 INF-CO 177 AA

JAMES, Mark Whitby, Ont. 2005-10 RHP 92 A

JONES, Matt Whitby, Ont. 2016-17 LHP 16 Rkie

KELLOGG, Ryan Whitby, Ont. 2015-21 LHP 139 AAA

OSBORNE, J.D. Whtiby, Ont. 2018-21 C-1B 187 AAA

TOSONI, Matt Whitby, Ont. 2008 RHP 4 IND

WALTENBURY, Jonathan Whitby, Ont. 2007-11 1B-OF 275 A

WICKENS, Stephen Whitby, Ont. 2011-16 INF 392 AAA

The most games played in the minors by each centre and the player who played the most games …

Ajax (4) -- Nigel Wilson 841

Belleville (5) -- Pat Lyons 305

Bowmanville -- Bredan Dadson 9

Cobourg (2) -- Nick Purdy 154

Goodwood (1) -- Gord Roach 80

Kingston (8) -- Joe Lay 272

Little Britain (1) -- Cam Newitt 3

Napanee (1) -- Ralph McCabe 242

Oshawa (8) -- John Ryan 1,335

Peterborough (5) -- Walker Gourley, 408

Pickering (8) -- Eric Wood 807

Port Hope (5) -- Jason Green 188

Stouffville (2) -- Earl Cook 404

Uxbridge (3) -- Chris Begg 151

Whitby (10) -- Stephen Wickens 392