College Wrap hitting: Brookman, Cottam, Coutney, Rijo, Williams
Attack de Gatineau and Evolution Athlete grad Marcel Lacasse (Beaconsfield, Que.) hhad the highest OPS of all Canadian collegians playing for the Western Texas Westerners.
2018 College Season Year-end Stat Wrap for Hitters
By Kevin Wall
Canadian Baseball Network
This season 420 Canadian batters from 239 schools had 38,619 at bats with 11,297 hits and 1,020 home runs, producing 7,324 RBIs.
Notable batting performances
Ontario Blue Jays grad Ryan Rijo (Barrie, Ont.) led all Canuck hitters with 20 homers playing for the New Mexico Thunderbirds.
All Home Runs: Ryan Rijo (20), Kole Cottam (19), Austen Swift (18), Edouard Julien (17), Malik Williams (17), JT Patterson (16), Kyle MacDonald (15), Matt Warkentin (14), John Lantigua (13), Justin King (13), Marcel Lacasse (13), Anthony Quirion (12), Jake Sanford (12), Matt Coutney (12), Peter Hutzal (12), Ryan Humeniuk (12), Tristan Clarke (12), Brett Esau (11), Elliott Curtis (11), Erik Sabrowski (11), Kobe Morris (11), Andy Leader (10), Ashton Roy (10), Chris Acosta-Tapia (10), Nick Howie (10), Nick Seginowich (10), Quinton Bent (10), Zac Wilson (10), Alex Bishop (9), Ari Sechopoulos (9), Darcy Moore (9), Jaxson Hooge (9), Laine Renaud (9), Liam Wilson (9), Marc Lebreux (9), Matt Lloyd (9), Ben Komonosky (8), Caleb Feuerstake (8), Daniel Nikitovic (8), Drew Reilly (8), Dylan Borman (8), Mitch Robinson (8), Samuel Chaput (8), Steven Moretto (8), Trevor Wiersma (8), Archer Brookman (7), Colton Wright (7), Evan Willow (7), Graeham Luttor (7), Liam Hicks (7), Matt Hilderbrandt (7), Matt Turino (7), McCoy Pearce (7), Russell Strilchuk (7), Shawn Grandmont (7), Tauren Langley (7), Tristan Pompey (7), Tyler Duncan (7), Alex Orenczuk (6), Dustin Braun (6), Dylan Price (6), Keegan Marsden (6), Matt Deneau (6), Nick Follett (6), Nolan Bumstead (6), Nolan Machibroda (6), Riley MacDonald (6), Tommy Reyes-Cruz (6), Trevaun Smith (6), Austen Butler (5), Daniel Szpik (5), Drake Kirkwood (5), Evan Webb (5), Gianfranco Morello (5), Matthew Clay (5), Miguel Cienfuegos (5), Noah Myers (5), Paul Rupnik (5), Tyler Schindel (5), Wyatt Schlosser (5), Zachary Fascia (5), Zarley Cina (5), Adam Cook (4), Alex Hendra-Brown (4), Anthony Cusati (4), Bryce Dimitroff (4), Christopher Bellemare (4), Christopher Procopio (4), Connor Stevenson (4), David Gauthier (4), Garrett Kirkwood (4), George Farid (4), Jake Sims (4), Jaxon Valcke (4), John Whaley (4), Justin Graff-Rowe (4), Kristian Webb (4), Kyle Blackwell (4), Luke Horanski (4), Matthew Peluso (4), Michael Sookdeo (4), Tanner Rempel (4), Travis Owens (4), Tyler Silva (4), Aidan Huggins (3), Austin Guzzo (3), Brett Boudreau (3), Carson Burns (3), Eric Marriott (3), Jacob Bouzide (3), Jason Hill (3), Kobe Hyland (3), Mason Falbo (3), Michael Stovman (3), Nick Hoyt (3), ReJean Bourget (3), Reece Reading (3), Rodney Gilbert (3), Ryan Koivu (3), Shane Clark (3), Sid Elford (3), Taylor Nychyk (3), Tony Hrynkiw (3), Tyler Scott (3), Zachary Koroneos (3), Zack Kunkel (3), Alex Jinda (2), Andrew Evernden (2), Billy Brand (2), Braeden Allemann (2), Brenden Baker (2), Brett Mercier (2), Chris Lata (2), Dakota DeFreitas (2), Dane Tofteland (2), Drake Pilat (2), Gibson Krzeminski (2), Grant Okawa (2), Jacob Cuch (2), Jakob Newton (2), Jameson Hart (2), Jared Binsfeld (2), Jesse Elliott (2), Johnny Giunta (2), Kosta Kafes (2), Lichel Hirakawa-Kao (2), Lucas Diluca (2), Lucas Soper (2), Malcolm Boehm (2), Max Wright (2), Mitchell Hazlett (2), Nate Doleman (2), Reese O’Farrell (2), Rhys Cratty (2), Ryan Bester (2), Ryan Kosmynka (2), Ryan Sanderson (2), Samuel Avila (2), TJ McCullough (2), Taylor Wright (2), Trevor Lofstrom (2), Tyrus Barclay (2), Yonnelle Firebrace (2), Zac Orchard (2), Aiden Brook, Alex Bedard, Andrew Leggo, Anthony Olson, Blake Gallagher, Brett Resch, Bryce Jorgenson, Camden Wiens, Carson Wlad, Clayton Keyes, Conner Morro, Daniel Jahnke, Daniel Warkentin, Danny Berg, Danny Rockwell, Dayne Fredland, Declan Buckle, Eric Thrower, Garan Stevens, Garrett Takamatsu, Graham Wiebe, Greg Student, JP Rousseau, Jack Volpe, Jacob Charron, Jacob Martins, Jacob Reid, Jake MacDonald, James Mitchell, James Smibert, Jansen Crossley, Jason Willow, Jesse Unger, Johnny Liu, Josh Montana, Justin Odlum, Lee Fiala, Liam Whalen, Mason Verge, Mathew Tremblay, Matt Bondarchuk, Matt Quartel, Matthew Jones, Michel Dagenais, Mike Moffatt, Mitch Bigras, Nicholas Ankerman, Nick Zarzycki, Nolan Weger, Peyton Tisi, Philippe Berthiaume, Riley Guntrip, Ryan Hartig, Sean Donnelly, Shane Paradis, Shoma Sasaki, Simon Clarke, Troy Daring Jr, Troy Lofgren, Will Quito, Yan-Eric Tremblay, Yi-Fan Pan, Zach Lampreia
Ontario Blue Jays grad Malik Williams (Toronto, Ont.) led all Canadians in RBIs knocking in 78 for the Johnson County Cavaliers. Photo:
RBIs Leaders (20+ club): Malik Williams (78), Matt Turino (70), Tony Hrynkiw (70), Edouard Julien (69), Ryan Humeniuk (69), Tyler Duncan (68), Kobe Morris (65), Elliott Curtis (64), Marcel Lacasse (61), Austen Swift (60), Justin King (60), Ryan Rijo (59), Erik Sabrowski (58), Jaxson Hooge (57), John Lantigua (57), JT Patterson (56), Alex Bishop (55), Anthony Quirion (55), Brett Esau (55), Jake Sanford (55), Matt Coutney (54), Mitch Robinson (53), Zac Wilson (52), Kole Cottam (51), Ben Komonosky (50), Drew Reilly (50), Kyle MacDonald (50), Nick Howie (50), Liam Wilson (49), Noah Myers (49), Andy Leader (48), Ashton Roy (48), Zachary Fascia (48), Graeham Luttor (47), Tristan Clarke (47), Quinton Bent (45), Dylan Borman (44), Michael Sookdeo (44), Shawn Grandmont (44), Daniel Szpik (43), Matt Hilderbrandt (43), Tommy Reyes-Cruz (43), Nick Seginowich (42), Dustin Braun (41), Gianfranco Morello (41), Matt Lloyd (41), Evan Webb (40), Matt Warkentin (40), Samuel Chaput (40), Alex Bedard (39), Evan Willow (39), Steven Moretto (39), Tauren Langley (39), Tristan Pompey (39), Archer Brookman (37), Chris Acosta-Tapia (37), George Farid (37), Danny Berg (36), Laine Renaud (36), Lucas Diluca (36), McCoy Pearce (36), Nolan Machibroda (36), Tanner Rempel (36), Tyrus Barclay (36), Anthony Cusati (34), Garrett Kirkwood (34), Kobe Hyland (34), Marc Lebreux (34), Samuel Avila (34), Eric Marriott (33), Nick Follett (33), Trevor Wiersma (33), David Gauthier (32), Jameson Hart (32), Keegan Marsden (32), Paul Rupnik (32), Peter Hutzal (32), Liam Hicks (31), Conner Morro (30), Caleb Feuerstake (29), Matthew Clay (29), Miguel Cienfuegos (29), Ryan Bester (29), Tyler Scott (29), Zachary Koroneos (29), Colton Harold (28), Drake Kirkwood (28), Drake Pilat (28), Nolan Bumstead (28), Reece Reading (28), Tyler Schindel (28), Brenden Baker (27), Darcy Moore (27), Justin Graff-Rowe (27), Kristian Webb (27), Kyle Blackwell (27), Luke Horanski (27), Matt Bondarchuk (27), Brett Boudreau (26), Gus Wilson (26), Jakob Newton (26), Mason Falbo (26), Ryan Hartig (26), Taylor Nychyk (26), Aidan Huggins (25), Braeden Allemann (25), Brett Resch (25), Jake Lanferman (25), Taylor Wright (25), Chris Lata (24), Dylan Price (24), Matt Deneau (24), Matthew Peluso (24), Tanner Zeggil (24), Wyatt Schlosser (24), Yonnelle Firebrace (24), Austin Wheeler (23), Bryce Dimitroff (23), Carson Burns (23), Carson Wlad (23), Chris Iltshishin (23), Daniel Nikitovic (23), Luke Lubiniecki (23), Xavier Langlois (23), Alex Orenczuk (22), Canice Ejoh (22), Drew Dickerson (22), Gibson Krzeminski (22), JP Rousseau (22), Matt Quartel (22), Max Wright (22), Rhys Cratty (22), Russell Strilchuk (22), Zac Orchard (22), Andrew Evernden (21), Austen Butler (21), Bryce Jorgenson (21), Cole MacLaren (21), Declan Buckle (21), Graham Wiebe (21), Riley MacDonald (21), Trevaun Smith (21), Ari Sechopoulos (20), Billy Brand (20), Grant Okawa (20), Jacob Bouzide (20), Jacob Reid (20), John Loschiavo (20), Konner Piotto (20), Matthew Reyes (20),
Langley Blaze grad OF Mason Verge (Vancouver, BC) hit .471 (8-for-17) for the Lewis-Clark State Warriors.
Batting average leaders (.300+ club): Mason Verge (.471), Ricardo Marin (.455), Marcel Lacasse (.447), Matt Coutney (.431), Andres Gonzalez (.429), Tanner Rempel (.417), Lucas Diluca (.415), Marc Lebreux (.408), Kobe Morris (.408), Carson Burns (.402), Archer Brookman (.400), Malik Williams (.397), Matt Latimer (.395), Anthony Quirion (.394), Alex Bedard (.392), Tommy Reyes-Cruz (.391), Brett Boudreau (.389), Kobe Hyland (.386), Ryan Rijo (.386), Jaxson Hooge (.382), John Lantigua (.381), JP Rousseau (.380), Dustin Braun (.379), Elliott Curtis (.379), Andy Leader (.378), Eric Marriott (.377), Reese O’Farrell (.375), Trevor Fonseca (.375), Jake Sanford (.374), Samuel Avila (.373), Drake Pilat (.371), Tony Hrynkiw (.371), Liam Hicks (.370), Nicolas Dore (.368), Ryan Hartig (.368), Tyler Duncan (.367), Bryce Dimitroff (.366), Austen Swift (.365), Zac Wilson (.365), Zachary Fascia (.364), Matt Pilarczyk (.362), Mitch Robinson (.362), Nolan Machibroda (.361), Ashton Roy (.360), Miguel Cienfuegos (.360), Nick Follett (.360), Russell Strilchuk (.358), Xavier Langlois (.356), Jon Henry (.355), Erik Sabrowski (.355), Matt Turino (.354), Kanye McGee (.353), Liam Wilson (.353), Kole Cottam (.352), Graham Wiebe (.351), Matt Bondarchuk (.351), George Farid (.351), Ryan Humeniuk (.348), Evyn Sherman (.348), Eric Thrower (.347), Bryce Jorgenson (.347), Brenden Baker (.347), Mason Falbo (.346), Kyle MacDonald (.346), Brett Esau (.345), Konner Piotto (.344), Daniel Nikitovic (.343), Conner Morro (.342), Danny Berg (.342), Yi-Fan Pan (.342), Riley Guntrip (.341), Jacob Parsons (.339), Evan Willow (.337), Ryan Sanderson (.337), Nick Howie (.336), Caleb Feuerstake (.336), Tristan Pompey (.335), Hayden Jaco (.333), James Mitchell (.333), Luke Lubiniecki (.333), Wyatt Schlosser (.331), Evan Webb (.331), Chris Iltshishin (.327), Graeham Luttor (.324), Craig Spencer (.324), Chris Lata (.323), Trevor Wiersma (.323), Zachary Koroneos (.323), McCoy Pearce (.321), Myles Miller (.321), Brian Granton (.320), David Gauthier (.319), Kyle Espineli (.318), Matthew Clay (.318), Noah Myers (.318), JT Patterson (.317), Jake MacDonald (.317), Mike Moffatt (.317), Justin King (.316), Quinton Bent (.316), Matt Hilderbrandt (.315), Luke Horanski (.314), TJ McCullough (.314), Drew Reilly (.314), David Schlosser (.313), Alex Bishop (.312), Lucas Soper (.312), Gibson Krzeminski (.312), Tom Melenchuk (.312), Anthony Cusati (.311), Alex Hendra-Brown (.310), Chris Acosta-Tapia (.310), Tyrus Barclay (.310), Michael Sookdeo (.310), Riley MacDonald (.309), Aiden Brook (.309), Gianfranco Morello (.309), Ryan Bester (.309), John Loschiavo (.308), Jacob Martins (.308), Matthew Majeur (.308), Tanner Zeggil (.308), Ben Komonosky (.307), Keegan Marsden (.307), Laine Renaud (.306), Reece Reading (.306), Kristian Webb (.305), Kieran Waters (.304), Dylan Borman (.304), Alex Cull (.304), Tyler Schindel (.302), Glenn Reeves (.302), Nick Seginowich (.302), Matteo Porcellato (.302), Paul Rupnik (.302), Austin Wheeler (.300), Jordan Bryant (.300)
Okotoks Dawgs' OF Garrett Kirkwood (Calgary, Alta.) had more plate appearances than any other Canuck this spring (246) with the Columbus State Cougars.
At-bat Leaders
Rank AB Player G Bavg OPS School
1 246 Garrett Kirkwood 61 .252 0.652 Columbus State (NCAA D2)
2 240 Matt Lloyd 59 .275 0.815 Indiana (NCAA D1)
3 229 Matt Turino 67 .354 1.030 Jefferson (NJCAA D1)
4 226 Nick Howie 60 .336 0.958 Eastern Kentucky (NCAA D1)
5 224 Malik Williams 60 .397 1.155 Johnson County CC (NJCAA D1)
6 221 Liam Wilson 55 .353 1.058 Canisius (NCAA D1)
7 219 Kole Cottam 56 .352 1.105 Kentucky (NCAA D1)
8 218 Tyler Duncan 61 .367 1.070 Crowder (NJCAA D1)
9 217 Steven Moretto 58 .263 0.745 Sacramento State (NCAA D1)
10 208 Alex Bishop 58 .312 0.965 Texas-Tyler (NCAA D3)
10 208 Austen Swift 55 .365 1.172 William Jessup (NAIA)
12 203 Nolan Bumstead 58 .291 0.792 Cal State Northridge (NCAA D1)
13 202 Matt Warkentin 54 .252 0.807 Xavier (NCAA D1)
14 201 Kobe Morris 56 .408 1.199 Crowder (NJCAA D1)
14 201 Ryan Humeniuk 58 .348 1.093 Indian Hills CC (NJCAA D1)
16 200 Zac Wilson 51 .365 1.072 Davenport (NCAA D2)
17 199 Mitch Robinson 50 .362 1.021 British Columbia (NAIA)
18 198 Anthony Quirion 52 .394 1.163 Clarendon (NJCAA D1)
19 197 Edouard Julien 59 .284 0.982 Auburn (NCAA D1)
20 195 Dustin Braun 52 .379 0.955 Central Washington (NCAA D2)
OPS Leaders
Rank OPS Player AB Bavg School
1 1.401 Marcel Lacasse 141 .447 Western Texas (NJCAA D1)
2 1.345 Ryan Rijo 171 .386 New Mexico JC (NJCAA D1)
3 1.260 Marc Lebreux 120 .408 Seminole State (NJCAA D1)
4 1.220 Matt Coutney 174 .431 Colby CC (NJCAA D1)
5 1.199 Archer Brookman 115 .400 Seminole State (NJCAA D1)
5 1.199 Kobe Morris 201 .408 Crowder (NJCAA D1)
7 1.177 John Lantigua 181 .381 Oklahoma Wesleyan (NAIA)
8 1.172 Austen Swift 208 .365 William Jessup (NAIA)
9 1.163 Anthony Quirion 198 .394 Clarendon (NJCAA D1)
10 1.155 Malik Williams 224 .397 Johnson County CC (NJCAA D1)
11 1.153 Justin King 177 .316 Indian Hills CC (NJCAA D1)
12 1.150 Jake Sanford 190 .374 McCook CC (NJCAA D1)
13 1.145 Brett Esau 168 .345 Frank Phillips (NJCAA D1)
14 1.138 Erik Sabrowski 172 .355 Cloud County CC (NJCAA D1)
15 1.129 Kyle MacDonald 191 .346 Arkansas State (NCAA D1)
16 1.121 Jaxson Hooge 191 .382 Tabor (NAIA)
17 1.118 Elliott Curtis 177 .379 Columbia State CC (NJCAA D1)
18 1.116 Lucas Diluca 142 .415 Cuyahoga CC (NJCAA D2)
18 1.116 Tanner Rempel 115 .417 Colorado Mesa (NCAA D2)
20 1.108 Carson Burns 107 .402 Western Texas (NJCAA D1)
Elmwood Giants grad Aiden Brook (Oakbank, Man.) hit .308 for the Valley City State Vikings.
Season Hitting stats
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Adam Cook, Colby CC 21 51 7 4 13 19 12 10 .137 .735
Adam Plouffe, Mars Hill 8 11 2 0 1 2 2 2 .181 .522
Adrian Butrimas, Dakota State 10 14 2 0 1 4 0 0 .142 .464
Aidan Huggins, Cloud County CC 41 137 37 3 7 36 19 25 .270 .767
Aiden Brook, Valley City State 30 81 25 1 6 12 0 10 .308 .792
Alex Asselin, St. Joseph’s -Vermont 7 11 1 0 2 3 2 0 .090 .424
Alex Bedard, Trinidad State JC 59 194 76 1 27 20 82 39 .391 1.019
Alex Bishop, Texas-Tyler 58 208 65 9 25 37 42 55 .312 .964
Alex Cull, Henry Ford 24 56 17 0 11 15 18 10 .303 .817
Alex Hendra-Brown, Linfield 31 116 36 4 8 28 20 16 .310 .858
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Alex Jinda, Lake Region State 30 90 25 2 12 25 14 17 .277 .816
Alex Orenczuk, Colby CC 30 91 23 6 25 34 23 22 .252 .967
Andres Gonzalez, Connors State 11 14 6 0 1 2 6 7 .428 1.038
Andrew Evernden, Douglas College 30 121 32 2 9 34 11 21 .264 .722
Andrew Leggo, Arkansas State 26 56 11 1 7 23 8 7 .196 .628
Andy Leader, Colby CC 48 172 65 10 15 36 45 48 .377 1.058
Anthony Cusati, British Columbia 48 177 55 4 23 27 0 34 .310 .837
Anthony Olson, British Columbia 22 74 19 1 7 12 0 10 .256 .627
Anthony Quirion, Clarendon 52 198 78 12 16 19 77 55 .393 1.162
Archer Brookman, Seminole State 33 115 46 7 16 10 30 37 .400 1.198
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Ari Sechopoulos, Charleston 38 110 30 9 14 38 20 20 .272 .960
Ashton Roy, Pratt CC 49 172 62 10 28 45 40 48 .360 1.083
Austen Butler, British Columbia 43 160 44 5 14 32 0 21 .275 .786
Austen Swift, William Jessup 55 208 76 18 38 45 0 60 .365 1.171
Austin Guzzo, Iowa 45 110 27 3 23 40 26 13 .245 .766
Austin Hall, Brockport 31 98 23 0 9 7 12 12 .234 .581
Austin Schibler, Columbia College 6 11 0 0 2 3 0 2 .000 .266
Austin Watamaniuk, Benedictine 50 140 28 0 14 25 0 16 .200 .566
Austin Wheeler, Erie CC 31 80 24 0 11 11 17 23 .300 .816
Ben Blake, Southwestern College 18 46 12 0 3 20 0 4 .260 .646
IP Prospects and Vauxhall Academy Jets Ben Komonosky (Saskatoon, Sask.) batted .307 for the North Iowa Area Trojans.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Ben Komonosky, North Iowa Area CC 56 179 55 8 29 51 51 50 .307 .950
Benjamin Teplin, Indiana Pennsylvania 10 17 3 0 0 5 0 0 .176 .352
Billy Brand, Midland University 38 114 31 2 7 35 0 20 .271 .736
Blake Gallagher, Colby CC 6 15 4 1 4 6 4 5 .266 .916
Brady Hall, New Jersey IT 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000
Brady Shapton, Mohawk Valley CC 18 37 8 0 8 9 2 6 .216 .585
Braeden Allemann, British Columbia 34 127 29 2 12 24 0 25 .228 .655
Braeden Massignani, British Columbia 5 7 2 0 0 1 0 0 .285 .571
Braedon Miller, Douglas College 19 55 12 0 9 11 9 8 .218 .593
Brandon Garcia, Tabor 10 18 4 0 2 6 0 1 .222 .577
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Brandon Hillier, Indiana Tech 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Brandon Job, Erie CC 8 16 1 0 2 3 3 1 .062 .229
Brendan Halstrom, Pikeville 20 40 8 0 7 11 0 7 .200 .684
Brendan Turcotte, Hope International 29 52 12 0 4 16 0 9 .230 .593
Brenden Baker, Siena Heights 39 150 52 2 16 21 0 27 .346 .875
Brent McGhee, SUNY Adirondack 27 67 16 0 11 16 11 16 .238 .690
Brett Boudreau, Lake Region State 30 90 35 3 12 14 17 26 .388 .995
Brett Esau, Frank Phillips 54 168 58 11 33 43 52 55 .345 1.145
Brett Mercier, Indian River State 32 109 28 2 8 25 13 12 .256 .653
Brett Platts, Southeastern CC 9 18 2 0 1 9 0 1 .111 .349
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Brett Resch, Southern Idaho 53 174 43 1 10 34 26 25 .247 .606
Brian Granton, William Woods 47 147 47 0 22 16 0 11 .319 .813
Brian McKenna, Desert 5 17 2 0 1 7 2 3 .117 .343
Brody Stark, Lake Region State 28 69 18 0 15 26 15 6 .260 .770
Bryce Dimitroff, East Central 41 161 59 4 9 17 24 23 .366 .921
Bryce Jorgenson, Century 36 98 34 1 12 17 29 21 .346 .973
Bryce O’Farrell, Pittsburgh 15 41 7 0 5 14 6 0 .170 .455
CJ Yoannou, DePauw 36 138 37 0 16 19 32 15 .268 .685
Caleb Feuerstake, Mineral Area 46 140 47 8 23 36 39 29 .335 1.005
Caleb Piechnik, Southeastern Illinois 27 70 17 0 12 12 9 14 .242 .632
Ontario Nationals INF IF Carson Burns (Orangeville, Ont.) swatted .401 with 23 RBIs for the Western Texas Westerners.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Cam Palmeter, Freed-Hardeman 20 22 6 0 2 6 0 4 .272 .657
Camden Wiens, Crown 12 29 5 1 6 8 4 3 .172 .609
Canice Ejoh, Canisius 46 128 29 0 18 37 31 22 .226 .620
Carson Burns, Western Texas 39 107 43 3 21 16 26 23 .401 1.107
Carson Wlad, Siena Heights 39 140 39 1 17 16 0 23 .278 .699
Carter Sanderson, Alma 8 14 1 0 1 9 3 0 .071 .204
Carter Sorenson, Dakota 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000
Chandler Robertson, Central Florida 36 80 16 0 14 19 12 11 .200 .539
Chris Acosta-Tapia, Oklahoma Wesleyan 55 174 54 10 31 50 0 37 .310 1.005
Chris Iltshishin, Frontier CC 36 110 36 0 7 18 17 23 .327 .771
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Chris Lata, Southeastern Illinois 41 133 43 2 10 36 18 24 .323 .808
Chris Nakashima, Rogers State 20 38 9 0 7 7 7 7 .236 .694
Christopher Bellemare, McCook CC 36 109 30 4 11 25 23 12 .275 .779
Christopher Procopio, Highland CC 34 105 26 4 12 41 20 19 .247 .734
Clayton Keyes, Central Arizona 44 56 16 1 12 22 43 10 .285 .868
Cole Cantelon, Lourdes 28 81 18 0 11 17 0 13 .222 .623
Cole Ensing, Colorado Northwestern CC 30 83 20 0 19 14 12 9 .240 .679
Cole MacLaren, Pittsburgh 55 165 33 0 39 27 21 21 .200 .606
Cole Warken, Louisiana Tech 19 63 15 0 2 17 10 6 .238 .621
Colten Boudreau, Dakota Wesleyan 25 69 16 0 6 14 0 10 .231 .554
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Colton Fountain, Cleary University 2 5 2 0 1 1 0 0 .400 1.100
Colton Harold, Northwestern College 42 139 38 0 20 22 20 28 .273 .714
Colton Wright, Northeastern State 36 96 28 7 14 25 20 19 .291 .947
Conner Morro, Canisius 52 184 63 1 28 23 35 30 .342 .904
Connor Fitzgerald, Davis & Elkins 36 107 24 0 9 43 11 12 .224 .587
Connor Stevenson, East Central 28 101 26 4 5 18 13 18 .257 .729
Cooper Davis, Vanderbilt 9 11 2 0 2 1 3 4 .181 .467
Craig Spencer, MacMurray 26 68 22 0 3 15 17 3 .323 .719
Cyrus Senior, Canisius 28 72 15 0 6 23 20 6 .208 .580
Dakota DeFreitas, Webster 15 21 5 2 4 6 5 9 .238 .908
Ontario Blue Jays grad OF Daniel Nikitovic (Mississauga, Ont.) batted .342 for the North Iowa Area Trojans.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Dallas Smith, SUNY at Fredonia 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000
Dane Tofteland, Indiana State 30 98 19 2 10 24 15 16 .193 .605
Daniel Jahnke, Newman 36 99 27 1 21 20 16 14 .272 .793
Daniel Nikitovic, North Iowa Area CC 36 105 36 8 11 23 25 23 .342 1.086
Daniel Szpik, Florida IT 49 194 52 5 24 48 41 43 .268 .764
Daniel Warkentin, Parkland 20 39 9 1 5 13 6 5 .230 .725
Danny Berg, Polk State 52 190 65 1 33 31 41 36 .342 .898
Danny Donnelly, Chandler-Gilbert CC 43 89 20 0 16 24 30 7 .224 .622
Danny Mahoney, Lake Michigan 23 48 9 0 7 7 2 4 .187 .491
Danny Rockwell, Wenatchee Valley 28 64 9 1 8 18 9 8 .140 .491
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Dante Federico, Labette CC 7 15 4 0 2 3 3 1 .266 .686
Dante Jakupovski, Triton 21 55 15 0 7 9 11 11 .272 .777
Darcy Moore, Freed-Hardeman 50 159 40 9 12 58 0 27 .251 .773
Darius Barlas, Mary 37 110 29 0 11 19 17 18 .263 .671
David Gauthier, Trinidad State JC 40 116 37 4 20 26 29 32 .318 .931
David Schlosser, Bard 37 115 36 0 18 8 23 18 .313 .853
Dayne Fredland, Williston State 19 47 14 1 12 10 9 11 .297 .854
Declan Buckle, Indian Hills CC 42 119 32 1 11 26 38 21 .268 .724
Derek Shedden, Northeastern State 34 66 12 0 6 13 9 7 .181 .487
Dillon Beaudoin, Dakota 2 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 .500 1.000
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Dominic Tardif, Pasco-Hernando State 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000
Dondrae Bremner, Cincinnati 28 84 14 0 16 36 17 6 .166 .515
Drake Kirkwood, Colby CC 43 134 32 5 16 43 35 28 .238 .776
Drake Pilat, Jamestown 47 105 39 2 16 24 0 28 .371 .934
Drew Dickerson, Youngstown State 53 193 54 0 25 36 25 22 .279 .664
Drew Reilly, Crowder 57 185 58 8 40 39 59 50 .313 .977
Dustin Braun, Central Washington 52 195 74 6 16 23 37 41 .379 .955
Dylan Borman, Arkansas-Monticello 44 171 52 8 15 37 39 44 .304 .866
Dylan Price, Allen County CC 40 112 32 6 13 41 38 24 .285 .886
Dyshawn Proudlove, Dakota State 32 92 26 0 6 33 0 11 .282 .751
Ontario Terriers grad Elliott Curtis (Waterloo, Ont.) batted .378 for the Columbia State Tigers.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Eddie Chessel, Adams State 20 27 5 0 6 10 2 0 .185 .538
Edouard Julien, Auburn 62 207 57 17 38 79 47 69 .275 .953
Elliott Curtis, Columbia State CC 50 177 67 11 19 33 49 64 .378 1.117
Eric Marriott, Mitchell 41 154 58 3 31 21 49 33 .376 .992
Eric Thrower, Ventura 35 121 42 1 9 29 21 17 .347 .822
Erik Sabrowski, Cloud County CC 53 172 61 11 19 38 53 58 .354 1.137
Ethan Brunton, Southeastern Illinois 21 42 10 0 3 11 6 1 .238 .526
Ethan Cummins, Citrus 7 14 2 0 3 2 2 4 .142 .547
Ethan Hunt, Charleston 17 38 7 0 5 7 7 3 .184 .558
Ethan Jarvis, Williston State 3 8 3 0 1 4 2 0 .375 .875
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Ethan Jodouin, Cleary University 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Evan Webb, Concord 49 163 54 5 18 37 40 40 .331 .904
Evan Willow, McPherson 48 166 56 7 15 22 0 39 .337 .937
Evyn Sherman, Macomb CC 27 69 24 0 15 16 27 13 .347 .835
Fynn Chester, Salt Lake CC 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .000 .000
Garan Stevens, Missouri Southern State 20 45 8 1 12 12 5 4 .177 .600
Garrett Kirkwood, Columbus State 61 246 62 4 24 56 41 34 .252 .651
Garrett Takamatsu, Central Alabama CC 24 75 20 1 4 16 12 14 .266 .706
Geordie McDougall, Minot State 29 78 15 0 8 16 8 6 .192 .498
George Farid, East Central CC 46 168 59 4 12 24 34 37 .351 .929
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Gianfranco Morello, Charleston 57 175 54 5 29 19 47 41 .308 .955
Gibson Krzeminski, Iowa Western CC 33 77 24 2 20 20 32 22 .311 1.005
Gino Bourget, Garden City 17 47 9 0 4 21 7 12 .191 .517
Glenn Reeves, Central Oklahoma 29 43 13 0 10 12 7 7 .302 .836
Graeham Luttor, Midway 43 148 48 7 19 38 0 47 .324 1.000
Graham Wiebe, Tabor 44 111 39 1 9 28 0 21 .351 .932
Grant Okawa, Douglas College 33 120 28 2 20 20 29 20 .233 .740
Greg Carrington, Northwestern Oklahoma State 17 45 10 0 3 11 7 6 .222 .574
Greg Student, Mesa CC 43 118 26 1 15 24 29 10 .220 .639
Gus Wilson, Galveston 48 146 42 0 20 30 23 26 .287 .719
Saint-Eustache Bisons C JP Rousseau (Montreal, Que.) hit .379 for the MidAmerica Nazarene Pioneers.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Harris Voyatzis, Labette CC 4 4 0 0 3 1 2 0 .000 .428
Hayden Jaco, Indiana State 18 42 14 0 3 5 6 7 .333 .750
Isaac Lewis, St. Lawrence 32 114 28 0 18 14 18 16 .245 .705
JP Rousseau, MidAmerica Nazarene 38 108 41 1 12 10 0 22 .379 .915
JT Patterson, Bellevue 56 189 60 16 25 46 0 56 .317 1.023
Jack Omstead, DePauw 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Jack Volpe, Elmira 23 44 6 1 5 20 8 5 .136 .429
Jacob Bouzide, Colby CC 35 113 28 3 17 18 20 20 .247 .759
Jacob Charron, Louisiana at Monroe 17 35 4 1 3 10 6 2 .114 .425
Jacob Cuch, Dickinson State 14 49 13 2 4 11 0 8 .265 .817
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Jacob Martins, Canisius 27 78 24 1 11 18 15 8 .307 .759
Jacob Parsons, Lake Region State 26 62 21 0 10 12 3 18 .338 .844
Jacob Reid, McCook CC 32 87 25 1 8 17 15 20 .287 .747
Jake Foden, St. Bonaventure 28 54 9 0 5 11 1 3 .166 .453
Jake Forgrave, Point Park 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Jake Kristensen, Indian Hills CC 19 57 12 0 7 10 7 13 .210 .524
Jake Lanferman, British Columbia 45 173 45 0 23 27 0 25 .260 .676
Jake MacDonald, Douglas College 34 120 38 1 15 16 25 17 .316 .827
Jake Sanford, McCook CC 54 190 71 12 24 31 43 55 .373 1.149
Jake Sims, Saint Leo 22 68 17 4 8 22 9 13 .250 .839
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Jake Wilson, Bowling Green State 38 145 42 0 16 34 17 11 .289 .677
Jakob Newton, Florida IT 46 158 41 2 25 39 20 26 .259 .716
Jakob Watson, Glenville State 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000
James Mitchell, Dawson CC 16 45 15 1 7 8 7 14 .333 1.003
James Smibert, Mount Olive 31 93 25 1 12 11 19 19 .268 .780
Jameson Hart, Indian Hills CC 53 155 40 2 29 27 33 32 .258 .793
Jansen Crossley, Elmira 26 59 16 1 6 15 7 13 .271 .718
Jared Binsfeld, Bismarck State 24 66 19 2 7 11 20 18 .287 .862
Jason Hill, McCook CC 47 167 40 3 24 44 28 12 .239 .685
Jason Willow, UC Santa Barbara 46 155 38 1 10 36 23 17 .245 .609
Calgary Giants grad Jaxson Hooge (Calgary, Alta.) hit a .382 clip this spring for the Tabor Bluejays.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Jaxon Valcke, British Columbia 48 177 42 4 14 32 0 18 .237 .646
Jaxson Hooge, Tabor 52 191 73 9 27 24 0 57 .382 1.121
Jay Kim, Douglas College 29 99 20 0 12 39 6 10 .202 .544
Jean-Francois Garon, Bradley 31 74 21 0 13 15 22 9 .283 .776
Jeremy Cory, Dakota 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 .500 1.000
Jesse Elliott, Charleston 23 51 11 2 6 16 7 8 .215 .727
Jesse Unger, Central Washington 15 35 6 1 1 9 5 3 .171 .564
Joelson del Rosario, Douglas College 4 8 1 0 2 2 1 0 .125 .425
John Lantigua, Oklahoma Wesleyan 55 181 69 13 29 37 0 57 .381 1.176
John Loschiavo, St. Joseph’s -Vermont 46 159 49 0 24 33 39 20 .308 .795
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
John Whaley, British Columbia 48 168 43 4 13 32 0 19 .255 .700
Johnny Giunta, McCook CC 30 81 15 2 12 33 10 5 .185 .584
Johnny Liu, Davis & Elkins 33 119 33 1 9 19 24 11 .277 .690
Jon Henry, Muskegon CC 14 31 11 0 2 8 3 7 .354 .948
Jonathan Thibodeau, West Alabama 24 58 14 0 11 16 9 7 .241 .673
Jordan Bryant, Monroe CC 4 10 3 0 1 3 1 3 .300 .663
Jordan Malainey, Northern State 14 18 5 0 6 2 2 5 .277 .757
Joseph Tevlin, Niagara 40 129 31 0 9 36 13 13 .240 .590
Josh Montana, Canada 11 25 3 1 0 9 3 4 .120 .425
Josh Trybuch, Wheaton 6 8 1 0 0 3 1 0 .125 .347
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Justin Graff-Rowe, Central Missouri 54 180 49 4 13 35 41 27 .272 .814
Justin King, Indian Hills CC 56 177 56 13 37 49 55 60 .316 1.153
Justin Odlum, Dakota State 19 45 12 1 5 7 0 6 .266 .695
Justin Orton, British Columbia 37 118 28 0 20 37 0 14 .237 .606
Kanye McGee, Erie CC 8 17 6 0 1 6 4 0 .352 .891
Keegan Marsden, Goldey-Beacom 47 163 50 6 29 29 31 32 .306 .923
Kian Johnston, Southwestern Oregon 17 52 7 0 6 18 2 1 .134 .358
Kieran Waters, Douglas College 19 46 14 0 10 12 12 4 .304 .764
Kobe Hyland, Iowa Western CC 47 145 56 3 8 16 57 34 .386 1.043
Kobe Morris, Crowder 56 201 82 11 50 23 77 65 .407 1.198
Kentucky C Kole Cottam has dual citizenship status since his father Jeff Cottam is from Burlington, Ont.
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Kody Anton, William Penn 12 11 0 0 1 3 0 1 .000 .083
Kole Cottam, Kentucky 56 219 77 19 31 49 54 51 .351 1.104
Konar Smith, Gannon 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 .000 .000
Konner Piotto, Glendale 27 90 31 0 9 9 14 20 .344 .840
Kosta Kafes, Alderson-Broaddus 32 85 15 2 12 33 10 9 .176 .609
Kristian Webb, California Penn. 40 118 36 4 18 23 19 27 .305 .895
Kurt Dawkins, Mineral Area 9 22 5 0 3 6 0 0 .227 .573
Kyle Blackwell, Cumberland 42 82 19 4 23 33 0 27 .231 .861
Kyle Espineli, Lakeland CC 15 44 14 0 6 8 8 11 .318 .846
Kyle Gould, St. Joseph’s -Vermont 23 53 12 0 10 11 10 5 .226 .594
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Kyle MacDonald, Arkansas State 51 191 66 15 39 46 50 50 .345 1.129
Kyle McComb, British Columbia 43 142 35 0 11 42 0 12 .246 .632
Kyle Taran, Bryant & Stratton 30 86 19 0 8 16 4 10 .220 .580
Laine Renaud, East Stroudsburg 40 134 41 9 6 44 25 36 .305 .973
Lee Fiala, Iowa Wesleyan 24 60 13 1 16 27 12 7 .216 .697
Lenn Nakatsuka, Douglas College 30 106 24 0 4 15 18 14 .226 .541
Liam Fox, Highland CC 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Liam Hicks, Mineral Area 50 162 60 7 33 33 43 31 .370 1.089
Liam Whalen, Southwestern College 28 68 17 1 10 21 0 15 .250 .674
Liam Wilson, Canisius 55 221 78 9 19 24 52 49 .352 1.058
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Lichel Hirakawa-Kao, British Columbia 24 68 15 2 7 18 0 8 .220 .699
Lucas Diluca, Cuyahoga CC 49 142 59 2 46 18 56 36 .415 1.115
Lucas Soper, British Columbia 34 128 40 2 12 13 0 12 .312 .807
Luke Horanski, Virginia Tech 39 140 44 4 22 32 23 27 .314 .928
Luke Lubiniecki, Pikeville 43 102 34 0 21 21 0 23 .333 .855
ABC grad Marc Lebreux (Sainte-Anne, Que.) hit .408 for the Seminole State Trojans.
Luke Tevlin, Binghamton 31 101 30 0 5 12 13 12 .297 .718
Mac Edwards, Defiance 8 21 2 0 6 7 1 2 .095 .380
Malcolm Boehm, Eastern New Mexico 17 34 9 2 3 10 7 13 .264 .779
Malik Williams, Johnson County CC 60 224 89 17 19 27 62 78 .397 1.154
Marc Lebreux, Seminole State 44 120 49 9 21 21 40 34 .408 1.259
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Marcel Lacasse, Western Texas 45 141 63 13 24 30 53 61 .446 1.400
Marcus Biasatti, Dakota County Tech 16 32 4 0 3 13 6 1 .125 .378
Marshal Burgess, Jamestown 6 7 2 0 0 2 0 4 .285 .803
Marshall Hogan, Douglas College 21 73 13 0 3 17 4 6 .178 .440
Martin Eckard, Iowa Lakes CC 1 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 .250 .900
Mason Falbo, Centre 38 127 44 3 12 15 17 26 .346 .924
Mason Verge, Lewis-Clark State 16 17 8 1 1 5 0 8 .470 1.394
Mathew Tremblay, McCook CC 23 55 14 1 3 18 7 10 .254 .645
Matt Berner, Graceland 36 85 23 0 12 19 0 14 .270 .698
Matt Blair-Brown, Culver-Stockton 14 30 3 0 6 16 0 1 .100 .370
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Matt Bondarchuk, Cloud County CC 51 185 65 1 30 21 60 27 .351 .892
Matt Coutney, Colby CC 52 174 75 12 23 26 60 54 .431 1.219
Matt Deneau, Madonna 41 145 40 6 13 38 0 24 .275 .788
Matt Hilderbrandt, Cuyahoga CC 50 143 45 7 29 37 35 43 .314 .996
Matt Latimer, Trinity International 43 162 64 0 12 10 0 15 .395 .859
Matt Lloyd, Indiana 59 240 66 9 30 58 36 41 .275 .814
Matt Malgi, Saginaw Valley State 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000
Matt Pilarczyk, Monroe CC 23 58 21 0 11 10 10 11 .362 .913
Matt Quartel, Milwaukee 51 164 43 1 17 41 32 22 .262 .727
Matt Scanzano, Alma 3 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 .000 .000
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Matt Turino, Jefferson 67 229 81 7 42 25 80 70 .353 1.030
Matt Wagner, Monroe CC 37 111 32 0 26 21 33 19 .288 .830
Matt Warkentin, Xavier 54 202 51 14 16 67 36 40 .252 .807
Matteo Porcellato, Douglas College 29 116 35 0 10 20 20 11 .301 .701
Matthew Clay, Monterey Peninsula 40 151 48 5 21 22 28 29 .317 .901
ABC Matthew Majeur-Chiz (Pointe-Claire, Que.) hit .307 for the Delta State Statesmen.
Matthew Jones, Evansville 26 59 14 1 11 16 8 5 .237 .680
Matthew Majeur, Delta State 15 39 12 0 8 4 11 10 .307 .747
Matthew Peluso, Newbury 35 93 27 4 10 8 12 24 .290 .864
Matthew Reyes, Douglas College 28 91 26 0 24 12 13 20 .285 .805
Matthew Vollmer, Saint Francis 37 97 25 0 4 14 0 8 .257 .582
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Max Hewitt, Oklahoma State 17 34 6 0 3 8 5 0 .176 .449
Max Wright, Indiana State 45 151 39 2 14 42 22 22 .258 .659
Maximillian Wood, Central Florida 29 89 20 0 6 26 11 9 .224 .564
McCoy Pearce, Otero 50 165 53 7 17 37 32 36 .321 .961
Michael Murphy, Winston-Salem State 21 49 10 0 9 6 7 2 .204 .604
Michael Sookdeo, McCook CC 54 184 57 4 24 44 24 44 .309 .860
Michael Stovman, Indian River State 32 105 24 3 13 34 13 17 .228 .675
Michel Dagenais, Webber International 33 66 10 1 6 33 0 15 .151 .462
Miguel Cienfuegos, Northwest Florida State 45 150 54 5 14 34 32 29 .360 .938
Mike Moffatt, Northern Kentucky 37 139 44 1 7 36 22 13 .316 .830
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Mitch Bigras, Boston 27 73 9 1 10 28 8 5 .123 .425
Mitch Hudvagner, Madonna 35 98 29 0 16 9 0 7 .295 .741
Mitch Osborne, Polk State 28 74 14 0 14 21 9 15 .189 .525
Mitch Robinson, British Columbia 50 199 72 8 26 25 0 53 .361 1.021
Mitchell Gardiner, LSU-Alexandria 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 .000 .000
Mitchell Hazlett, Permian Basin 33 112 28 2 14 18 20 11 .250 .729
Myles Miller, Northwestern Ohio 48 156 50 0 22 19 0 14 .320 .814
Nate Doleman, Ellsworth CC 37 111 31 2 20 36 18 16 .279 .844
Nathan Dallas Blackburn, Maryland Eastern Shore 4 5 1 0 1 1 0 1 .200 .700
Nicholas Ankerman, Eastern New Mexico 22 53 12 1 8 6 10 5 .226 .689
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Nicholas Millas, New Mexico JC 3 7 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000
Nick Capitano, Canisius 16 41 7 0 4 12 5 5 .170 .504
Nick Follett, Desert 38 139 50 6 20 28 30 33 .359 1.073
Nick Howie, Eastern Kentucky 60 226 76 10 35 47 43 50 .336 .958
Nick Hoyt, Lake Region State 22 58 14 3 7 13 11 7 .241 .845
ABC grad Nicolas Dore (Saguenay, Que.) batted .368 for the Sussex County Skylanders.
Nick Seginowich, Salt Lake CC 50 159 48 10 37 38 44 42 .301 1.021
Nick Zarzycki, Saint Francis 14 18 1 1 5 11 0 2 .055 .483
Nicolas Dore, Sussex County CC 26 76 28 0 14 16 16 9 .368 .902
Noah Myers, Wabash Valley 57 170 54 5 47 35 58 49 .317 .956
Noah Renaud, Madonna 24 36 10 0 12 9 0 3 .277 .791
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Nolan Bumstead, Cal State Northridge 58 203 59 6 20 41 29 28 .290 .791
Nolan Machibroda, Chattanooga State 42 108 39 6 30 33 34 36 .361 1.092
Nolan Rattai, Northern Kentucky 28 85 20 0 6 28 8 4 .235 .575
Nolan Weger, British Columbia 20 61 17 1 2 8 0 11 .278 .624
Owen Jansen, Purdue 22 28 3 0 5 10 4 5 .107 .537
Owen Lusztig, Monterey Peninsula 30 86 17 0 9 26 10 6 .197 .493
Palmer Cruickshank, Ellsworth CC 9 23 2 0 5 11 7 3 .086 .362
Parker Maxwell, Williston State 3 7 1 0 0 1 0 0 .142 .285
Parker Walker, Kankakee CC 18 35 3 0 4 9 4 3 .085 .396
Paul Rupnik, Newman 49 179 54 5 19 36 39 32 .301 .805
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Peter Hutzal, Marshall 49 173 46 12 19 40 33 32 .265 .863
Peyton Tisi, Bryant & Stratton 14 32 7 1 6 13 3 4 .218 .687
Philippe Berthiaume, Texas-Arlington 24 60 11 1 10 22 8 7 .183 .633
Philippe Langlois, Niagara 25 72 14 0 7 12 8 9 .194 .589
Pierre-Olivier Avoine, Galveston 41 120 32 0 12 22 17 14 .266 .641
Quinton Bent, Southern Wesleyan 49 190 60 10 16 36 41 45 .315 .933
ReJean Bourget, Garden City 45 127 33 3 12 39 30 16 .259 .729
Reece Reading, Three Rivers CC 39 108 33 3 20 10 19 28 .305 .891
Reed Odland, Alan Hancock 29 80 20 0 12 12 6 11 .250 .662
Reese O’Farrell, Howard 28 80 30 2 11 8 23 19 .375 .958
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Reilly Rutgers, Garrett 3 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 .000 .600
Reilly Walters, Lourdes 28 78 17 0 16 21 0 11 .217 .620
Rhys Cratty, Polk State 41 124 32 2 20 34 24 22 .258 .721
Ricardo Marin, Aquinas 7 11 5 0 0 4 0 0 .454 .909
Riley Guntrip, Siena Heights 30 88 30 1 15 10 0 19 .340 .868
North Shore Twins Riley MacDonald (North Vancouver, BC) batted .309 for the Waldorf Warriors.
Riley MacDonald, Waldorf 49 181 56 6 19 39 0 21 .309 .875
Riley Perks, Crowder 14 27 7 0 4 12 7 4 .259 .708
Robbie Wilkes, Arizona Western 41 58 17 0 10 17 34 9 .293 .724
Rodney Gilbert, Mayville State 27 68 12 3 7 19 0 17 .176 .615
Royce Ando, Michigan State 14 42 12 0 4 5 5 5 .285 .642
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Russell Strilchuk, Northeastern JC 30 81 29 7 7 17 21 22 .358 1.075
Ryan Bester, Macomb CC 43 110 19 34 7 0 2 29 .309 .865
Ryan Hartig, Goshen 51 171 63 1 22 41 0 26 .368 .945
Ryan Humeniuk, Indian Hills CC 58 201 70 12 28 40 62 69 .348 1.092
Ryan Koivu, Dawson CC 18 44 11 3 4 14 7 12 .250 .812
Ryan Kosmynka, Notre Dame Ohio 31 94 26 2 5 21 15 11 .276 .739
Ryan Pouwells, LSU-Shreveport 10 25 6 0 7 2 0 6 .240 .841
Ryan Rijo, New Mexico JC 52 171 66 20 42 28 58 59 .385 1.345
Ryan Sanderson, Maine-Presque Isle 30 98 33 2 11 24 21 15 .336 1.021
Ryan White, East Central 29 85 23 0 10 20 7 6 .270 .657
Ryan Willard, Charleston 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 .000 .000
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Rylan D’Etcheverrey, Lake Region State 11 14 2 0 3 5 7 1 .142 .436
Sam Poliquin, Colby CC 7 18 3 0 0 6 0 1 .166 .333
Sam Soshycki, Douglas College 8 14 4 0 4 7 3 2 .285 .801
Samuel Avila, Otero 52 185 69 2 22 32 33 34 .372 .962
Samuel Chaput, Crowder 41 108 32 8 28 33 37 40 .296 1.040
Scott Dowell, McPherson 2 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 .500 1.250
Sean Donnelly, Douglas College 18 50 8 1 10 14 10 5 .160 .563
Sean Kretz, Glendale 12 29 5 0 5 5 1 5 .172 .638
Sean McVeigh, Frank Phillips 29 83 21 0 13 16 17 14 .253 .719
Shane Clark, Missouri Valley 28 76 14 3 4 22 0 11 .184 .553
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Shane Paradis, Northern Kentucky 35 119 30 1 17 30 14 9 .252 .653
Shane Rogers, British Columbia 19 8 3 0 1 2 0 0 .375 .819
Shanif Hirani, USC Sumter 9 29 4 0 3 14 4 0 .137 .356
Sharan Rasan, Culver-Stockton 17 34 5 0 7 5 0 3 .147 .485
Shawn Grandmont, Southern Idaho 55 169 49 7 24 62 32 44 .289 .932
Ontario Terriers Simon Clarke (Kitchener, Ont.) hit .280 for the Permian Basin falcons.
Shoma Sasaki, Indiana Tech 23 40 11 1 8 3 0 7 .275 .820
Sid Elford, Grace 23 52 9 3 7 24 0 10 .173 .675
Simon Clarke, Permian Basin 22 50 14 1 4 18 7 7 .280 .788
Soren Graverson, Indian Hills CC 2 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 .000 .000
Spencer Burton, Big Bend CC 3 3 0 0 0 3 1 0 .000 .000
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Spencer Lindeman, Monterey Peninsula 36 96 25 0 11 17 9 13 .260 .634
Spencer Rankin, Cloud County CC 6 11 1 0 2 4 4 2 .090 .321
Stefan Atkinson, Monterey Peninsula 10 12 3 0 2 7 4 1 .250 .773
Steven Moretto, Sacramento State 58 217 57 8 17 66 32 39 .262 .745
TJ McCullough, Dickinson State 14 51 16 2 1 13 0 4 .313 .790
Talen King, Monterey Peninsula 7 7 0 0 0 2 0 0 .000 .000
Tanner Fritzke, Williston State 5 6 0 0 3 2 2 0 .000 .500
Tanner Rempel, Colorado Mesa 34 115 48 4 10 16 30 36 .417 1.116
Tanner Zeggil, McCook CC 52 182 56 0 12 22 33 24 .307 .689
Tauren Langley, Cloud County CC 38 111 30 7 8 19 22 39 .270 .901
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Taylor Nychyk, Indiana Tech 47 91 26 3 14 15 0 26 .285 .846
Taylor Wright, Maryland 45 165 38 2 19 34 16 25 .230 .652
Tom Melenchuk, Douglas College 24 77 24 0 9 18 11 12 .311 .728
Tommy Reyes-Cruz, Clarendon 51 179 70 6 30 33 54 43 .391 1.082
Tony Hrynkiw, Connors State 49 186 69 3 24 13 61 70 .370 .956
Toure Parpit-Sinclair, Hannibal-LaGrange 25 62 11 0 7 23 0 7 .177 .471
Travis Owens, Mars Hill 29 85 24 4 17 19 20 15 .282 1.002
Travis Wacker, Oklahoma State 3 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 .250 .500
Trevaun Smith, Minot State 45 135 40 6 26 38 48 21 .296 .915
Trevor Fonseca, Cypress 25 48 18 0 8 11 14 10 .375 .908
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Trevor Lofstrom, Southwest Baptist 37 100 19 2 17 46 15 14 .190 .607
Trevor Wiersma, Concord 45 127 41 8 22 14 27 33 .322 1.016
Tristan Clarke, Tennessee Wesleyan 51 192 54 12 21 40 0 47 .281 .889
Tristan Pompey, Kentucky 50 185 62 7 33 47 41 39 .335 1.005
Troy Daring Jr, Wayne State 31 79 20 1 9 22 9 12 .253 .720
Victoria Mariners Tyler Schindel (Victoria, BC) hit .302 for the San Diego Christian Hawks.
Troy Lofgren, Aquinas 18 49 12 1 5 14 0 8 .244 .694
Tyler D’Alessandro, Salem 27 95 28 0 9 16 24 11 .294 .709
Tyler Duncan, Crowder 61 218 80 7 38 55 67 68 .366 1.069
Tyler Harniman, St. Charles CC 6 23 4 0 0 4 2 2 .173 .391
Tyler Schindel, San Diego Christian 49 162 49 5 32 34 0 28 .302 .926
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Tyler Scott, Bryan 54 178 46 3 19 30 0 29 .258 .737
Tyler Silva, Northeastern Oklahoma A&M 27 67 16 4 9 22 11 17 .238 .876
Tyrus Barclay, Garden City 54 171 53 2 38 29 44 36 .309 .878
Victor Cerny, Cal State Northridge 13 16 2 0 0 4 1 2 .125 .367
Will Jenkins, Elmira 10 15 4 0 2 4 3 2 .266 .722
Will Nitransky, British Columbia 6 14 2 0 1 4 0 1 .142 .414
Will Pettener, Mary 25 53 11 0 5 11 4 5 .207 .497
Will Quito, Dickinson State 22 64 16 1 7 18 0 10 .250 .663
Will Wild, Central Christian 27 64 7 0 4 31 0 2 .109 .286
William Da Costa, Madonna 14 20 3 0 4 10 0 1 .150 .491
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
William Sharpe, Salem 7 8 1 0 1 2 0 0 .125 .347
Wyatt Schlosser, Minot State 49 169 56 5 25 45 38 24 .331 .967
Xavier Langlois, Trinidad State JC 43 118 42 0 15 6 37 23 .355 .863
Yan-Eric Tremblay, East Central 22 68 16 1 16 12 15 6 .235 .714
Yi-Fan Pan, Central Washington 15 38 13 1 9 2 9 8 .342 .926
Yi-an Pan, Central Washington 21 47 12 0 6 11 13 11 .255 .839
Yonnelle Firebrace, Brescia 42 145 36 2 3 36 0 24 .248 .607
Zac Orchard, Florida IT 42 157 44 2 20 48 31 22 .280 .738
Zac Wilson, Davenport 51 200 73 10 22 31 47 52 .365 1.071
Zach Lampreia, Midway 41 114 29 1 13 24 0 14 .254 .656
Player School G AB H HR BB K R RBI Avg OPS
Zach Prisciak, British Columbia 15 44 8 0 6 10 0 4 .181 .534
Zachary Banks, Lake Michigan 21 50 13 0 0 17 4 5 .260 .574
Zachary Fascia, Indian Hills CC 53 162 59 5 24 22 45 48 .364 1.072
Zachary Koroneos, Penn State Harrisburg 38 127 41 3 15 25 17 29 .322 .866
Zachary Rachar, Mohawk Valley CC 25 58 13 0 4 14 6 7 .224 .527
Ontario Terriers grad Zarley Cina (Kitchener, Ont.) hit .271 for the East Stroudsburg Warriors.
Zachery Zinck, Genesee CC 4 3 2 0 1 0 0 1 .666 1.416
Zack Kunkel, Minot State 14 48 12 3 2 18 7 10 .250 .796
Zane Takhar, Northeastern State 49 166 44 0 31 30 28 16 .265 .704
Zarley Cina, East Stroudsburg 36 129 35 5 4 15 28 18 .271 .756
For information on the players and schools covered in this report, please visit the 2018 Canadians in College web page
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