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Elliott: PG rates Soucie as top Canuck JUCO recruit

LHP Jackson Soucie (Cambridge, Ont.) is the top Canuck and ninth highest rated JUCO recruit by Perfect Game.

October 6, 2022

By Bob Elliott

Canadian Baseball Network

Jackson Soucie didn’t receive any recognition in July during the draft of high schoolers and collegians.

Yet, people are talking about him now.

LHP Soucie (Cambridge, Ont.) was ranked the ninth best junior college prospect on Perfect Game’s top 281 ranked JUCO recruits. That’s ninth out of the roughly 500 schools fielding teams next spring.

Soucie will pitch for the Wabash Valley Warriors in 2023 and hopes to hear his name called next July.

He pitched for the A3 Academy National Trojans based in Tampa, the Grand River Flying Squirrels, TXNL, as well as one game with the Brantford Red Sox.

He is one of six Canucks charted by Perfect Game evaluators.

A trio of Ontario Blue Jays -- RHP Kansai Sugimoto, RHP James Wilson and RHP Quinn Tavares -- are ranked, along with former Ontario Terriers C Colin Cymbalista and ABC’s Louis-Philip Langevin.

Rank Name College Position City State/Province

1. Michael Forret State College of Florida RHP Indian Trail NC

9. Jackson Soucie Wabash Valley College LHP Cambridge Ont.

41. Kansai Sugimoto Yavapai College RHP Mississauga Ont.

113. James Wilson Walters State Community College RHP Toronto Ont.

184, Louis-Philip Langevin Wabash Valley College RHP Québec Que.

229. Colin Cymbalista Hutchinson Community College C Pickering Ont.

251. Quinn Tavares Eastern Oklahoma State College RHP Mississauga Ont.