Posts in Baseball Canada
Baseball Canada's next Monday "Hot Stove" to feature Menard

As part of Baseball Canada’s continuous efforts to provide coach education to their members, they will welcome Jean François Ménard as their featured guest on their next Monday “Hot Stove” session on May 4. An industry leader and expert in mental performance coaching, Menard has worked with numerous world-class athletes and Olympic medal winners including Mikaël Kingsbury, Tessa Virtue and Maxence Parrott along with Super Bowl champion Laurent Duvernay-Tardif and World Champion boxer Marie-Ève Dicaire.

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Baseball Canada's next Monday Hot Stove to feature Nijhoff

As part of Baseball Canada’s continuous efforts to provide coach education to their members, they are pleased to announce that their “Monday Hot Stove” session on April 27 will feature Martijn Nijhoff. An expert in “motor control and movement analysis,” Nijhoff holds the title of Skills Acquisition Consultant with the Pittsburgh Pirates where he primarily works with coaches and instructors in the Player Development system.

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Baseball Canada's next Monday Hot Stove to feature Harrison

As part of Baseball Canada’s continuous efforts to provide coach education to their members, they will welcome Ryan Harrison as their featured guest on their Monday Hot Stove session on April 20. Harrison is a certified sports performance vision trainer who holds a degree in Exercise Physiology from University of California at Davis. For over two decades he has worked with world-class athletes, including those from MLB, NHL, MMA, WTP and PGA among others.

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Baseball Canada moves to deliver NCCP courses online

Attending NCCP (National Coaching Certification Program) training is a rite of passage for many baseball coaches across Canada each spring but the Covid-19 pandemic has made that impossible to achieve. In order to address this challenge and meet the demand for coach education for thousands of baseball coaches, Baseball Canada has made many of their courses available online.

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OBA coach of the year Bianchi helps his players love the game

“Negative experiences with his coaches drove a teenage Marco Bianchi out of baseball, and he regretted it for years. When he later became a coach with Toronto Playgrounds Baseball, Bianchi was determined that every one of his players would feel valued and respected. “I wanted to coach so I can ensure that people never stop loving the game and want to play it for years to come,” said Bianchi, Baseball Ontario’s 2019 Rep 14U and above Coach of the Year.”

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Baseball Canada's next Monday Hot Stove to feature Derek Johnson

As part of Baseball Canada’s continuous efforts to provide coach education to their members, they are pleased to announce their second “Monday’s Hot Stove” session - an interactive gathering of coaches in a relaxed online environment with a subject matter expert. On Monday, March 30, at 8 p.m. E.T., Baseball Canada will welcome Cincinnati Reds pitching coach Derek Johnson as their guest.

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